Don’t Be Yourself.

You have a goal. There is something you want to do that you haven’t been able to accomplish yet. You try, you “fail”, you get disappointed, and sometimes that disappointment turns into a temporary depression. And when you’re in that depression, what do people normally say to make you feel better? 

Be yourself. Don’t worry, you can do this. Just be true to yourself.

That is about the worst advice I have ever heard. Who do you think it is that got you into this situation of feeling helpless, feeling worthless in the first place? Not me, not anyone else, you did. So why on Earth would you continue to “be yourself”? If the solution was simply to be yourself, then you wouldn’t be in this predicament right now. 

What you need to do is be the person you dream of being. You want to be that person in the gym who looks like they can kick everyone else’s ass just by staring at them? Then train like that person. Eat like that person. Live like that person. You want to be the rich business man who is the go to guy for everything? Be him! Work like him. Give up sleep like him. Live like him. 

Bottom Line Is:

If you haven’t gotten where you want to be, then stop being you (to a certain extent). Clearly, what you are doing is not enough to be where you think you should be at. Pick a role model. It doesn’t have to be anyone famous. You can be totally creepy and have it be that guy at the gym, or that girl who sits in the front of class and somehow manages to pay attention for the entire lecture. Learn their habits, enforce those habits, and become the person that you want to be. As easy as it is to keep up bad habits, it will be easy to keep up good habits too. 

Happy Living ❤

Start Giving A Fuck & Maybe You’ll Keep A Girlfriend

Relationships are tricky things these days. Back then, when you were old enough or when someone wanted you, you got married, and lived (either happily or unhappily) ever after. That was it. You got together, and you stayed together. When things started going wrong, you fixed it. You didn’t just give up and immediately take on a “no fucks given” attitude. These days, though, it’s much different.

That mentality of not giving a fuck has been taken to such an extreme level that it kind of scares me. People put up a wall in fear of getting hurt, which is totally understandable, but what they don’t realize is this: that wall that they put up not only blocks out anything that may end up hurting them, it blocks out potential and possibility for love and happiness and most importantly, growth, that awaits them if they just let their guards down. 

I know people are hurtful and they’re only getting worse, but hey, remember that quote from Gandhi? Be the change you want to see? People are just hurtful because they are terrified of getting hurt too. We learned about this in elementary school, guys, come on. Bullies are just insecure themselves, that’s why they pick on you.

So the next time you find yourself starting to like someone, let that wall down. It’s scary at first, but it’s worth it, I promise. When you start falling for someone, fall, let yourself fall as fast as your heart wants to. And when things start going wrong with that person, instead of putting that pride wall back up and saying to yourself, “I don’t have time for all this bull****”, remind yourself that if you don’t have time for love or for the happiness of another human being, especially one that caught your soul, what on Earth do you have time for? 

All I’m saying is that if people would let their guards down and stop getting defensive and putting on a “I don’t give a fuck” persona anytime things get tough in life, they just might keep their relationships strong or they just might accomplish that goal they’ve been trying to but haven’t because they’ve gone on the defensive anytime something goes a bit wrong. 

This is life, people, and we are all humans, and as humans, we are going to love, laugh, hurt, cry, be angry, be ecstatic, and most importantly, grow. You can’t escape it, and you shouldn’t want to, because there is nothing better than the feeling of knowing you gave something, or someone, your all and didn’t let a few obstacles throw you off track. And if you’re someone who already gives your all and never gives up, take pride in that. You are one of the few who are truly prepared for anything in life and one of the few who will live a life worth talking about. 

Maintaining Your Goals the Easy Way

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New Year’s Resolutions can either make you feel amazing or crappy about yourself.

There are two problems with New Year’s Resolutions: doing them, and not doing them.

For example, most people start their resolutions with the best of intentions. As the year goes by, life gets in the way and people get tired. What seemed like something they’d really wanted to do on January 1st turns into an extra stressor that adds on to the many stressors we already have in our lives, so people tend to drop these once hopeful thoughts and continue to do the bare minimum just to get by, and then start the cycle over again the next year.

Another example is those people who actually stick to their resolutions like maintaining their diet and exercise routines, only to find that they aren’t seeing the results they wanted to, and so they quit. Either way, it seems that our New Year’s Resolutions are just hopes that end up disappearing for one reason or another.

See that picture up there? That’s my fit diary. Every day I plan on tracking my meals and workouts. I have a few other goals this year too, so I’m also going to be tracking my progress on them. New Year’s Resolutions can be tricky things to maintain, you just have to know the tricks to following through.

The number one most important tool that you will need is that thing up there ^. You don’t have to go buy yourself a fancy notebook, there are plenty of notebooks at Wal-Mart for a good 99¢ (I just happened to have this one laying around the house).

In your journal, write down everything you did to get one step closer to achieving your goals. You can choose to track your meals, workouts, and water intake if you are looking to do anything that has to do with fitness. For those of you who have other goals, like writing a book, or building a bike, write down how many pages you wrote that day, or which part of the bike you put together. You can customize your journal to whatever goal you have in mind.

Once you start your goal journal, you’ll find that you’ll be looking forward to doing something that will let you write a new entry in every single day. You’ll even feel a bit guilty on those days where you didn’t make an entry in it, which will make you more motivated on the days to come to work towards accomplishing your goal!

But the purpose of goal journals are not just to make you feel bad about yourself when you don’t make an entry. When you have a day where you feel worthless, or you feel like you’re just wasting your time, you can flip through the pages you’ve already filled out and seen all the progress you’ve made so far, making you even more motivated to finish what you started.

Whatever your goal may be, start a journal for it today. It doesn’t have to be a New Year’s Resolution, it can be an April 3rd Resolution! Any day you decide to start working towards your goals with a journal is the day your life will change, I promise you.

You’re going to have days where you mess up, and you’re going to have days where you exceed all your expectations. I am too, we’re all human and can’t help it. But a goal journal gives you written proof of how strong you are and how committed you can be to your goals, which is a reminder that we all need every once in a while.

Keep Calm and Carry On towards your goals, lovelies!

Weakness of the Mind

By a show of hands, who here has ever wanted to do something but felt, for any particular reason, that they were not able to? Maybe it’s because you’ve never done it before, or maybe it’s because you’ve tried once or twice and ‘failed’. Maybe it is something that’s so far out of your comfort zone that you think you’d never be able to succeed at it.

Well, there’s your first mistake. The second you put an inkling of doubt in your mind, you’ve set yourself up for failure. Putting, and worse, keeping, your mind in a state of weakness means that you’ve decided that you are going to fail before you even attempt to do whatever it is you’re wanting to do.

When your mind is in a state of weakness, it’s like there has been a filter put into it that allows only negative thoughts to pass through to your conscious brain, while keeping the positivity in your subconscious. The conscious brain is then filled only with thoughts of not being able to achieve your goal.

Your mind in a state of weakness and doubt is a dangerous thing, perhaps the most dangerous of all states that we put ourselves in. In a mind that is stuck in the state of weakness, there is no room for possibility. This means that you may have enough willpower, talent, and skill to achieve whatever it is you want to; but because there are no positive thoughts in your mind, your willpower, talent, and skill have nothing to feed off of. You’re essentially starving yourself of the the things you need to succeed, when you have all the potential in the world to not only succeed, but to dominate.

So how do we overcome this “state of weakness”? It’s really quite simple. Keep doubtful and negative thoughts away from your conscious mind, and only allow positivity through your filter. Bring those positive thoughts front and center, and allow your willpower, talents and skill to feed off of those thoughts.

Every human being has within them the ability to go above and beyond what they think they are capable of, but few realize this great truth. The others, who constantly doubt themselves and let negative thoughts in their conscious mind, soon get used to this state of weakness. They get used to this way of thinking and soon, it becomes all they know.

Catch yourself now before its too late. Banish negativity and forbid yourself from ever entering the state of weakness, and soon it’ll become a habit, a way of living. And when that happens, the possibilities are endless… 😉